If We Took a Holliday
Our first visit to OPACY this season was an anticipated debut, a miracle of (not)rain, and a much heralded yet underwhelming Jackson vs Jackson smackdown. And lots of attention to the number seven. Elly has us considering a road trip to CIN, and Vaughn makes us think Worcester is nice this time of year. Zach has six runs to his credit in only one game, but the wrong direction. Spencer is down for the count but now we know more about internal braces, so there’s that. Brianna Wakefield’s knuckleball is our favorite pitch of the week. Julio Urias is buried in misdemeanors of his own making, and Ohtani’s interpreter apparently used his powers for evil. Venezuela hosts their 14th annual Women’s Baseball Championship and prepares for Thunder Bay. And we’re off to cross train with hockey.
We say “Lions, just lions, all the time. Rawr,” “my betting consists of when a relative gives me a scratch off lottery ticket,” and “We’re gonna have an L of a good time.” Fight the man, send your game balls to Meredith, get boosted, and find us on Twitter @ncibpodcast, on Facebook @nocryinginbball, Instagram @nocryinginbball and on the Interweb at nocryinginbball.com. Please take a moment to subscribe to the show, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to NCiB. Become a supporter at Patreon to help us keep doing what we do. Say goodnight, Pottymouth.