Slumping at Woo

Three out of nine Jacksons again get a mention, one for breaking the scoreboard, one for a moment with dad, and one for walking it off. Rich re-takes the hill, the Brewers have a Brewer and this stuff writes itself. We’ve got both a good Zach and an “infuriatingly good” Zach. Joe makes a deal, Michael makes a catch, and Liam makes friends at AAA. Junior and Manny have a moment, Edwin and Alexis wish they didn’t. Come back next week for a special interview with the producers and director of the new documentary, See Her, Be Her.

We say “Everything is bigger at Camden Yards,” “balance my Kiké effervescence,” and “Yahtzee.” Fight the man, send your game balls to Meredith, get boosted, and find us on Twitter @ncibpodcast, on Facebook @nocryinginbball, Instagram @nocryinginbball and on the Interweb at Please take a moment to subscribe to the show, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to NCiB. Become a supporter at Patreon to help us keep doing what we do. Say goodnight, Pottymouth.
Slumping at Woo
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