A Little Bit of Fruity Tartness

Oh friends, that’s it for the regular season! As we head into Wild(card) Week, Stone Garrett gets to have one great game, Elly messed with the early season math, and Phillies Daycare is immortalized on the wall of a bar. Nick goes all 162 on a dare, Kiké reminds Patti to get her eyes checked, and people are not showing their best selves over a historic home run ball. Tom Hanks and thousands of other As fans say goodbye to the Coliseum, many taking a piece with them. Some City Connects get retired, and so does Charlie Blackmon. Buckle up for the postseason!  If the extra last-day is any indication, we’re in for a ride.

We say, “It is quite an acquired taste and I have not acquired it,” “That’s more impressive than Kiké’s butt,” and “When I decide I care about cricket you know for sure I’m going to ask her about that.” Fight the man, send your game balls to Meredith, get boosted, and find us on Twitter @ncibpodcast, on Facebook @nocryinginbball, Instagram @nocryinginbball and on the Interweb at nocryinginbball.com. Please take a moment to subscribe to the show, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to NCiB. Become a supporter at Patreon to help us keep doing what we do. Say goodnight, Pottymouth.
A Little Bit of Fruity Tartness
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